College hypnotist

Cards Against Hypnosis

cards against hypnosis show with comedy hypnotist david hall

College Hypnotist Show with David Hall

Cards Against Hypnosis is a show performed by college hypnotist David Hall. It is wildly popular among colleges and universities!

This is an interactive, laugh out loud, drop to your knees funny, comedy hypnosis show!

About The Show

In between each skit  David will throw a ball into the crowd, then a random audience member who catches the ball will be shown 2 large cards. First is a black card with a scenario/skit, followed by a white card with possible outcomes. Based on the audience member’s decision that skit will be performed by the hypnotized participants on stage.

This high energy unpredictable show gives a truly unique experience for the hypnotized participants as well as the audience. The college hypnotist show has been described as “jaw dropping” “hilarious” and “downright fun.”   

Contact College Hypnotist David about bringing “Cards Against Hypnosis” to your next event.  Please also check out his mentalist show as an additional option for your event. 


"Cards Against Hypnosis" Formula is Simple

college hypnotist david hall on stage
comedy hypnosis show dancing volunteers

College hypnotist past clients

David Hall has been performing his interactive college hypnotist show “Cards Against Hypnosis” for many colleges, universities and high schools around the country.
As a matter of fact, hypnotist show works great for Welcome weeks, Orientations, Family weekends, Halloween, Late night events, Weekend programming, Grad Nights and many more different occasions creating great memories for students!
So, get ready to be engaged and entertained on your campus by this hilarious hypnosis show!

“Students were absolutely blown away, extraordinary entertaining show, audience participation gets people excited to attend” - Western Illinois University

“It was a fun show, the audience enjoyed interactive element of it, very successful start to our semester” – University of South Carolina

” The show was great, we are having David back this year and everyone is looking forward to this show” – North Middlesex High School